UN GUIDE SIMPLE SUR LES LOIS D'IMMIGRATION DES ÉTATS-UNIS: Ce que vous devez savoir lorsque vous arrivez en Amérique.

As a practicing immigration attorney for many years, I have had to help many clients solve some of the most common problems, simply because they had no knowledge of the immigration laws of the United States.

Whether you were born in the US, whether you are now in the US, or even if you are planning to come to America, this book is for you.

You MUST read this book, especially as an alien, because the information you will find here will help you to stay out of trouble and direct your path from the time you arrive in America up to you becoming a US citizen if you so desire.

When you read this book you will learn about some of the things which you should and should not do when you come to America.

Others will tell you things which may not always be true, so do not be fooled by people who do not know the law. Let this book be your Guide.

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