Frenchacking - The Complete Box Set (Step by Step Beginners French - Alphabet & Numbers + A French Study Guide - 50 Most Used French Verbs + Learn French ... of Clara) (French For Beginners t. 4)

Feeling like your French isn't progressing as fast as you'd like? Not understanding idioms or cultural references? Wanting to learn real life vocab you can use straight away?

This comprehensive guide is designed to take you from A1 to B1 in the shortest time frame possible. It’s packed full of original helpful techniques, hacks, and tips you can use to enrich your French knowledge.

★★ Here is what you’ll learn ★★
- Count up to a trillion and the grammar to write it out
- Accents and how they can change the French language
- French cultural references
- Diverse range of vocabulary
- Idioms you don't learn in textbooks
- How different tenses are used
- Most used verbs and their conjugations
- Real life examples of when to use them
- Differentiating between similar verbs & not embarrassing yourself
- Pronunciation (AUDIO COMING SOON)

Don't wait any longer! Fulfill that life long dream of learning French, scroll up and click the buy now button to begin the journey to becoming a little bit more French ;)

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